Malta for Everyone! Family Picnic / 28.05.2023 / WCK Anin

Malta for Everyone! Family Picnic / 28.05.2023 / WCK Anin

Malta for Everyone! Family Picnic
The second group project – the result of Wawer Metropolis EU-Project was called "Malta for Everyone"/ It was a creative journey to Malta, enabling the participants to explore beauty and culture of Malta with all senses - it took the form of a photography exhibition about Malta and a creative multigenerational picnic for entire families with lots of artistic workshops. Several dozen participants of all ages and from different countries could experience how incredibly rich and fascinating Maltese culture and cuisine is.

Projekt Metropolia Wawer - 2022-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000070303 został sfinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich z programu Erazmus+ / Wawer Metropolis was funded by the EU within Erasmus+ Programme